
November-December Story



Hi everyone.. I know it’s almost 3 months since my last post. I just can’t help myself to have this guilty feeling because my wish before is to make one post per month at least. But still I can’t be more productive. I just thought that, October, November and December are such rush months within full of rush hours. Is it ? Yes, it is for me. Hehe :D
So, How are you doing guys ? I know, everything must be going well cause Allah is always beside you. J
This time, I am just going to talk about what happen in my last 3 months. We can skip October, because there’s no something special in it and go ahead to the next one.  On 8th November 2016, I was been invited by committee of 1st National Congress of  KAKAMMI in Jakarta. Yey ! They invited me to be a singer in the opening ceremony of the event. As you know that singing is one of my hobbies, then I said yes to join them. In the following day I went to Jakarta by myself. As usual, I go alone. By realizing it, perhaps this is a right time, I need to find someone who can be with me, accompany me for the next trip. Hehe :D I am not kidding at all right now. J
That was such a nice experience. The opening ceremony is held on 12th November exactly, so that there were 5 days I have been spending there. Meeting with new people, talking and sharing with them, I learnt much more. To be honest, I just felt may be someday I need to come back and visit them. Hoping for the chance, Aamiin…
In the event, 1st National Congress of KAKAMMI, I sang some Indonesia national songs with beautiful piano instrument by my beautiful one, Teteh Anna. I miss her already… How are you teh ? Hehe :D
By that, I also feel proud to be a part of KAMMI, Kesatuan Aksi Mahasiswa Muslim Indonesia (The United Action of Indonesian Moslem Student). Do you wanna feel the same ? You must  join us then J You really need to know, to acquaint, to recognize KAMMI deeply from inside of KAMMI itself not from others. Not from others because they might be saying it wrong or even having a misunderstanding about KAMMI itself. So if you are curious about it, then “Ayo Gabung KAMMI !” . I am not promoting but suggesting.
Yey ! after all, thanks to the committee who have been inviting me there…

See you for the next event (hehe… :D)

November and December 2016 will also be unforgettable months for All of Moslems in Indonesia. “Aksi Bela Islam 2” and “Aksi Bela Islam 3” are like new spirit of Moslems in this country. The first action was held on 4th November and followed by the second one which was on 2nd December 2016. I only could support my friends who were joining the action before. I only could pray and pray. Hoping that all of Moslems in this world are protected by Allah SWT. Aamiin Allahumma Aamiin… Nevertheless I can still feel the atmosphere of the action. There are so many photos or even videos which captured it. I really felt that I was being among of the jama’ah. Especially for “Aksi Bela Islam 3”, there are about 7,4 million people who followed it. Masya Allah.. I can’t say anything else but crying. It’s caused by Allah SWT who has powered them and eased their steps to go to Jakarta and join the action. Million people lifted their hands and prayed for better Indonesia. It was really nice and pieceful, I swear. May Allah bless us. Aamiin Allahumma Aamiin… J  

(It's a picture from our friend, who join "Aksi 212". Kafilah Unsri, Good job ! :))  

The latest news from me is I have had my pre-research seminar. Alhamdulillah… It’s also because Allah SWT. Unpredictably I can do my seminar in this month, exactly on 5th December 2016. Instead I thought that I can do that after finishing my KKN (Kuliah Kerja Nyata). But Allah SWT said the opposite, Alhamdulillah… It’s relieved ! Thanks God J

I think only that I could tell you in this post. Thanks for reading my blog (Is there anyone reading it ? I think No. Hehe :D )      
See you on the next story…


Keep Smiling :)



Hi everyone, I know it’s been long time I never drop my thoughts by here. I used to so busy with all those stuff in the campus. You know, I’ve already been a forth year student and the things become a lil’ bit complicated by then because I need to be inured my self in the land of journals, kind of research proposal, and etc. But surely final year is such a long space for me to do many things without any anxious thoughts whether I have  a class or not. More free time really mean to me, I can easily breath everyday, everywhere. Hehe I’m kidding.
In this 2016, I just have to accept that one by one people around are going to be graduated or even have graduated. They are some of my really close friends, I would love to call them as my siblings. “A Big Congraduation” from me to my lovely mbak bibit who has been graduated last month. Hopefully Allah will always treat us well so that we can still meet and communicate each other. The other “ABC” word is also given to Mbak Puput, Mbak Umiqo, Mbak Anna, Mbak Bulan, Mbak Anita, Mbak Indah and Mbak Eni. You all have moved your mountain, but still keep going to reach the top. “A Big Congraduation”, Mbaks !
For those who haven’t officially being a bachelor, there are still much time to achieve your own too. Keep Fighting ! Hehe…
Anyway, How is your life, guys ? I said it, like people are reading and seeking my new post. I feel more than a celebrity eventhough the reality talks otherwise. No, once more I Am Kidding :D
If you guys ask me about my life too, I am very great Alhamdulillah Allah bless me till now. Today is our second victory day after ‘Ied Fitri Mubaraq day’. Yeah it’s the moslem time for celebrating ‘Ied Adha Mubaraq day’!  And you know I never going home for the forth times Idul Adha, but it’s Okay. I am fine with it. Even if so, it does not mean that my day was full of emptiness and laziness. I got my time was very usefull instead. You know why ? because I share the happiness of Ied Adha Mubaraq with my friends in the small village with all villagers. We went there this morning and saw how the execution of qurban was held.  I really thank God for every great day like today went on. Although I’ve been far away enough from my family, Allah still let us to have or make my day more worthwhile. I am happy by then.
Sharing happiness is one of important thing to do. As like as you spread your smile to everyone, you actually give them more power to also share and do the kindness.
keep smiling ! :)
